Who Is Responsible? Service Line Repairs
It is the Roslyn Water District’s responsibility to continue the delivery and availability of quality water every day, all year long. This means maintaining some 90 miles of 6” to 20” water mains.
However, it is important to know that the property owner is responsible for the water line from the water main to their building or home.
If you experience a water leak in the delivery to your home and the District determines that the leak is between the main and your home, you will be advised to contract with a licensed plumber to rectify the problem.
While these problems are relatively infrequent, depending on the distance and location to the water main, they can be costly.
During the past several months, the office staff has received a number of inquiries regarding insurance coverage for water line failure, repair and replacement.
The District cannot recommend the purchase of such insurance or recommend any of the many vendors offering such coverage. These decisions are best made by the individual homeowner. As with all legal documents, the District recommends doing your due diligence before signing or agreeing to coverage.
Be certain you understand the physical coverage being offered and any monetary restrictions based on the location of the service line and the home access connections.
Why and Mandates: Cross Connection Program
Backflow connections are required wherever there is the possibility of unprotected water being pulled back into the potable water supply.
Water is delivered under pressure to each residence in the District. However under certain circumstances that pressure can drop allowing water in a pool or other source to return to the water supply in your home or in the water mains.
The Backflow Valve prevents this reverse flow and is required by law...and the District is charged with enforcement.
Some causes of reduced water pressure: water main break, loss of power at a pump station, use of a hydrant by the Fire Department or others.
The Backflow Valve is designed to prevent contaminants from entering the water supply: fertilizers, pool water, chemicals, solid waste, standing water.
Protect yourself, your family and your neighbors with properly installed and inspected backflow devices. If you have any questions about backflow devices, please call the District offices at 516-621-7770.
The passage of the Safe Drinking Water Act in 1974 made water utilities responsible for monitoring the quality of water at the consumer’s tap, necessitating water utilities to administer a cross-connection control program to ensure a safe, potable public water supply.
In compliance with State and County requirements, the districts require backflow devices to be installed wherever a potential backflow problem exists and also requires an annual inspection of all installed backflow devices.
NOTE: Please send all backflow testing documents to rwdbackflow@yahoo.com.
Roslyn Water District Ordinance
The Roslyn Water District Ordinance reflects our experience as water purveyors since 1910 to this community. We have endeavored to cover almost every subject or question that may arise in Water Management for our 5776 customers. Many of the provisions are aimed at the maintenance of the quality and safety of our water supply.
If you have any questions, please visit our business office at 24 West Shore Road in Roslyn or, call us at (516) 621-7770. You may also email us at info@roslynwater.org.