This section contains the most "Frequently Asked Questions" received by our staff. If your question or concern is not addressed here, please feel free to contact us at info@roslynwater.org.
Question: Is tap water safe to drink?
Answer: The District routinely monitors drinking water quality. Each of our wells is tested before distribution. All test results are reviewed by the Department of Health and must be within State and County limits or water cannot be distributed to the public. The Roslyn Water District is pleased to report that the water supplied to the community continues to meet or surpass all quality standards required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the New York State Department of Health, and the Nassau County Department of Health. Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the EPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline (1-800-426-4791).
Question: What is the source of the Roslyn Water District's drinking water?
Answer: The drinking water source for the District is groundwater drawn from seven individual wells drilled into the Magothy aquifer and from one well field containing eight common suction wells connected to a common suction pump.
Question: Who is responsible for the repair of water service lines?
Answer: The water service line from our water mains in the street to your home or business is the property owner’s responsibility to maintain and replace if required.
Question: When is the addition of chlorine going to stop?
Answer: By law the Roslyn Water District must continue to chlorinate its water supply until the Nassau County Health Department grants a waiver from mandatory disinfection.
Question: Why do I have to pay for water that results from a leak?
Answer: The Consumer is responsible for all the water that passes through the water meter including water caused by a leaking meter. Moreover, in the event a service line is leaking before the meter the District may estimate the cost of unmetered water. If you suspect you have a leak at your home, we recommend contacting a licensed and insured plumber.
Question: Is the water hard or soft?
Answer: Generally the water has a soft to moderate hardness. For more information see the District's Annual Water Quality Report.
Question: Why do I need a backflow prevention device?
Answer: There are many reasons why the Roslyn Water District requires a backflow prevention device. The most common type is a Double Check Valve (DCV). All residences with swimming pools and/or underground sprinkler systems must have a DCV backflow prevention device. The DCV is designed to contain water within your sprinkler system, which protects the public water supply from any backflow contamination. All installed back-flow devices must be inspected annually by law, by a Certified Back-Flow Tester.
Question: What does the Roslyn Water District add to our water?
Answer: Water is treated at each well site before entering the distribution system with sodium hydroxide for pH adjustment and corrosion control and is disinfected with sodium hypochlorite. One well is also treated by granular activated carbon for absorption of organic contaminants. More information is available in the Annual Water Quality Reports.
Question: Does Roslyn Water District charge a penalty to water bills unpaid by the due date?
Answer: Yes, per section 5.5 of the Roslyn Water District Ordinance, bills for water will be rendered every three (3) months or monthly as the case may be. All bills shall be paid within forty five (45) days after the date thereof. A (10%) per cent penalty will be charged on all bills not paid in forty five (45) days after the date thereof. If the bill is not paid in forty five (45) days from the date thereof, the penalty and all costs in connection with the same shall become a lien against the property.
Question: How do I find answers to additional questions?
Answer: You may send an email to info@roslynwater.org or go to the "Contact Us" page of this website.