The Roslyn Water District serves all of the Villages of Roslyn, Roslyn Estates, East Hills, and portions of Roslyn Heights, Roslyn Harbor, Flower Hill, North Hills, Greenvale, Albertson, Glenwood Landing and Port Washington.
◦ The Roslyn Water District serves some 5,783 residential and commercial customers in a 5.1 square mile area.
◦ The estimated population within the District is 17,900. An additional 1,800 people are served by the District in Albertson and Glenwood Landing.
◦ In 2018, the District pumped a total of 1.26 billion gallons of water: July pumpage was highest at 188,146 million gallons and February was the lowest at 54,962 million gallons.
◦ Maximum daily usage was 7.115 million gallons on July 13,2018.
◦ In case of a water emergency the District has eight supply interconnections with four neighboring districts — Old Westbury, Albertson, Jericho and Port Washington, with an available capacity of is about 2 million gallons a day.
◦ The District’s transmission-distribution system consists of about 90 miles of 6 to 20 inch water mains.
◦ Every gallon of water consumed by District users is recorded by computer and billed accordingly.
◦ The Roslyn Water District is one of the oldest public water suppliers on Long Island, having been established in 1910.
◦ All of our water comes from underground wells. Unlike New York City, Long Island does not use reservoir water nor have a surface water system.
Your Roslyn Water District Commissioners encourage all residents to be aware of the benefits derived with the continued operation of the Roslyn Water District.
◦ The RWD provides service 24/7/365. Whenever a problem develops, you have fast service from a staff that is well trained and available.
◦ The Board of Commissioners is elected by you. All three commissioners are residents of the District.
◦ The money you pay in taxes and water rates stays in the District. It does not go to a larger entity for selective redistribution.
◦ The average annual cost for water service per household is $226.30 in taxes and $174.58 per year in metered water. This averages $1.10 day.
◦ All money collected is used for the operation, supplies and maintenance required of the District. The District regularly reinvests in infrastructure, preventative maintenance and service upgrades without borrowing or paying interest.
◦ The Roslyn Water District performs 30 to 40 service calls per week for residents of the District.
◦ The District performs hundreds of inspections and tests per year for more than 100 potential contaminants. (Click here to see full list of non-detected contaminants in the AWQR).